[vox-tech] Redhat 8.0 shutdown does not power off.

Mike Simons vox-tech@lists.lugod.org
Thu, 05 Jun 2003 12:43:55 -0400

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On Thu, Jun 05, 2003 at 09:14:13AM -0700, Peter Jay Salzman wrote:
> i haven't been following this thread for a few days, but are we sure
> it's not a hardware issue?

  We know that he is still using a stock Redhat kernel, and changes
Jim did were through modules in this kernel.

  The shutdown scripts on his machine are locking up when it uses=20
killall5 to send TERM to all processes.  What happens after the TERM
is sent vary between hanging and rebooting...
  He says the machine stable in other situations, just lately the
shutdown system is acting weird.

> i'm wondering what will happen if jim tries to do a poweroff if he boots
> the computer using a knoppix CD or any kind of rescue disk that has a
> kernel capable of a poweroff.

  It turns out that all kernels with APM enabled which have SMP disabled
are capable of power off, internal to apm.c there are two power off=20
methods.  The selection of which method gets used is decided,
at compile time by CONFIG_APM_REAL_MODE_POWER_OFF (or boot time by

  I thought that it had to be true to power off machines, but that is
wrong, Knoppix actually has that setting set to no.  've built a few
knoppix kernels recently and was surprised when I saw the setting was
disabled... even though the knoppix kernel turns off every laptop I've
tried it in.

  I'm suggesting that Jim use the sysrq option to turn the machine off,
to see if the kernel portion is working on his machine, if not the
config option would need to be changed.

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