[vox-tech] help configuring a usb mouse

Charles McLaughlin vox-tech@lists.lugod.org
25 Jul 2003 02:41:30 -0700

Ok.. I lied.  I'm trying to configure a usb trackpad, not a mouse.  The
trackpad can emulate a standard usb mouse though, so maybe the setup is
the same.  The trackpad has some extra features, such as a scroll arrow,
but I'd be happy to just get it to work like a basic mouse for now.

The trackpad is a Cirque GlidePoint East Cat.  I've found lots of info
on the web about the PS/2 version of this device, but nothing about the
USB version.  I've used this trackpad with Red Hat in the past -- the
trackpad was automatically identified at bootup and Red Hat did all the
configuration.  I'm using Debian (unstable) now and I don't know how to
configure xfree86 to work with this device.

Here is some output from dmesg about my trackpad:

usb.c: USB device number 5 default language ID 0x409
Manufacturer: Cirque Corporation
Product: USB GlidePoint
host/usb-uhci.c: interrupt, status 3, frame# 228
hiddev0: USB HID v1.00 Mouse [Cirque Corporation USB GlidePoint] on
usb.c: hid driver claimed interface c41f96c0
usb.c: kusbd: /sbin/hotplug add 5
usb.c: kusbd policy returned 0xfffffffe

Since the kernel sees the usb trackpad, I'm assuming my kernel is
compilled with all the needed usb modules.  So, I guess I just need to
edit /etc/X11/XFree86Config-4. That is where I could use some help.

This is what I see in /dev/usb:

crw-rw----    1 root     root     180,  32 Mar 14  2002 ez0
... upto
crw-rw----    1 root     root     180,  47 Mar 14  2002 ez15


crw-rw----    1 root     root     180,  16 Mar 14  2002 mouse0
... upto
crw-rw----    1 root     root     180,  26 Mar 14  2002 mouse15

Is /dev/usb/ez0 or /dev/usb/mouse0 my trackpad?  If so, how can I use
this info to specify an input device in my XFree86Config file?

Thanks for any advice!!!
