[vox-tech] how to use newgrp

Jeff Newmiller vox-tech@lists.lugod.org
Thu, 24 Jul 2003 16:51:17 -0700 (PDT)

On Thu, 24 Jul 2003, Mark K. Kim wrote:

> hi.  i'm having difficulty accessing the cdrom even though i think i
> set all the permissions correctly.  so i'm thinking i should probably
> use newgrp to switch groups to make use of the permissions, but it keeps
> on asking for my password which i shouldn't need to switch to the group.

I have never used newgrp (more on why below), but the manpage says either
the group password or your account password will be required.

My understanding is that your current group id is only used when you
create new files, to define the group access for that file.  Since the
files on a cdrom are read-only, I dont see how this is going to fix
anything for you.

The most common problem I have seen with group access is forgetting to log
out and log back in again to reload your group permissions.  That is, if
you changed your group permissions, you need to log out and back in again
to use the new permissions.  This may be affecting your ability to invoke
newgrp as well.

Since I don't work in a multi-user environment, I don't need to create
files with different group ownership very often, so newgrp isn't something
I have needed (chgrp or chown is usually enough to fix problems).

Jeff Newmiller                        The     .....       .....  Go Live...
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Research Engineer (Solar/Batteries            O.O#.       #.O#.  with
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