[vox-tech] Super User Konqueror Crashing

Jennifer Stickel vox-tech@lists.lugod.org
Mon, 21 Jul 2003 15:23:43 -0700

I recently installed RH9.0 on my machine.  But I can't run konqueror as 
super user.  If I try running it through the K-menu, it appears to open 
and when everything is loaded, it closes/crashes.  Using a terminal 
window and logging in as su, then running konquerer I get

[jstickel@BME jstickel]$ su
[root@BME jstickel]# konqueror
mcop warning: user defined signal handler found for SIG_PIPE, overriding
/tmp/mcop-jstickel is not owned by user
[root@BME jstickel]#

I get the mcop warning message when I run konqueror as myself, but it 
still seems to work.  The ownership of /tmp/mcop-jstickel is

drwx------    2 jstickel users        4096 Jul 21 14:49 mcop-jstickel

Any ideas why I can't run su-konqueror?  Thanks,
