[vox-tech] Re: newbie now having trouble with pico
Rick Moen
Sun, 26 Jan 2003 19:19:07 -0800
Quoting Bill Kendrick (nbs@sonic.net):
> Note: I'm not dissing you or your useful suggestion, Matt.
> I'm just whining about the state of user-friendliness for Linux users
> in general. (As in, why can't RPMFind figure that out when you search for
> the text 'pico' to begin with!?)
Pico's an anomalous case, of where it's part of a package under a
completely different, better-known name. I think the particular problem
described is rare.
Cheers, "Teach a man to make fire, and he will be warm
Rick Moen for a day. Set a man on fire, and he will be warm
rick@linuxmafia.com for the rest of his life." -- John A. Hrastar