[vox-tech] qmail install problems

Karsten M. Self vox-tech@lists.lugod.org
Fri, 17 Jan 2003 07:03:57 +0000

on Thu, Jan 16, 2003 at 10:26:24PM -0800, Ryan (rcdetert@ucdavis.edu) wrote:
> I want to get rid of sendmail so I am trying to use qmail because it
> is supposed to be faster, more stable and more "modern", which I'm
> assuming means easier to use. However, I can't get the thing to
> compile.  Before I get going on my problem, is it even worth
> installing qmail or is there another program that I can set up with
> ease to send mail.
> okay, the problem:
> The README said to use rpm --rebuild and I get an error saying 
> [root@the45 dl]# rpm --rebuild qmail-1.03-109memphis.src.rpm
> qmail-1.03-109memphis.src.rpm: No such file or directory
> What am I missing? Also it says I need to get an updated shadow-utils
> from Redhat to support adduser -r and such. I couldn't find the
> shadow-utils off on red hat's site. Anyone know where?

Not to disparage qmail, but if fast and modern are what you're looking
for, I'd suggest postfix or courier.  Exim doesn't have the reputation
for raw speed (though it's generally a more-than-adequate performer),
but it is dirt-simple to set up, particularly as packaged for Debian (I
haven't installed it under RH).

Note that most of the benefits/comparisons qmail makes are specific to
sendmail of about a half decade ago.  Qmail was written to address a
specific set of failings, and on a small set of comparison points, does
fairly well.  A broader evaluation may find it doesn't distinguish
itself markedly from other alternatives, suffers from ease of
installation, and offers limited configuration or extensibility.

I'd suggest you look at:  http://linuxmafia.com/~rick/linux-info/mtas


Karsten M. Self <kmself@ix.netcom.com>        http://kmself.home.netcom.com/
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