[vox-tech] qmail install problems

Samuel Merritt vox-tech@lists.lugod.org
Thu, 16 Jan 2003 22:48:13 -0800

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On Thu, Jan 16, 2003 at 10:26:24PM -0800, Ryan wrote:=20
> I want to get rid of sendmail so I am trying to use qmail because it
> is supposed to be faster, more stable and more "modern", which I'm
> assuming means easier to use. However, I can't get the thing to
> compile.
> Before I get going on my problem, is it even worth installing qmail or
> is there another program that I can set up with ease to send mail.

Personally, I like postfix. It's relatively easy to configure, but then,
_anything_ is easy to configure compared to sendmail. =3D)

Postfix also doesn't have qmail's licensing issues - you are allowed to
distribute modified versions of Postfix, not just patches as with qmail.

This is, of course, all IMHO.=20
> okay, the problem:
> The README said to use rpm --rebuild and I get an error saying=20
> [root@the45 dl]# rpm --rebuild qmail-1.03-109memphis.src.rpm
> qmail-1.03-109memphis.src.rpm: No such file or directory

That file doesn't exist; make sure that "qmail-1.03-109memphis.src.rpm"
is the right filename and that it's in that directory. =20

> What am I missing? Also it says I need to get an updated shadow-utils
> from Redhat to support adduser -r and such. I couldn't find the
> shadow-utils off on red hat's site. Anyone know where?

Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't Red Hat come with an updater
utility? I'd look there. Otherwise, try rpmfind.net.=20

> -thanx,
>     ryan

Samuel Merritt
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