[vox-tech] bridging subnets

Samuel Merritt vox-tech@lists.lugod.org
Mon, 13 Jan 2003 02:21:14 -0800

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On Mon, Jan 13, 2003 at 12:05:40AM -0800, Ryan wrote:
> The current set up I have in my home is with the Pacbell 5 static IP DSL.=
 We have all 5 of the static ips in use and an additional 2 computers that =
are ipmasq'ed behind one of our linux machines. I'm looking for a howto but=
 not very successful on how to bridge the subnets so that all the computers=
 can be seen in the house.=20
> For hardware, I'm guessing that I'll need 2 additional NICs where 1 NIC h=
as a cable running to the ipmasq'ed HUB and the other NIC has a cable runni=
ng to the HUB we have for all our static machines.

I believe that Linux 2.4 has the capability to simultaneously bridge two
or more Ethernet networks (layer 2) while also providing IP routing
(layer 3) services to those same networks. Using this would save you
some NICs.=20

http://bridge.sourceforge.net/ has some useful information and patches.=20
If you don't want to filter the bridged packets, you don't need their
kernel patch.=20

> I'll most likely have to recompile the kernel too but I don't know how to=
 test whether bridging is already supported.
> thanx,
> -ryan

Samuel Merritt
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