[vox-tech] Skipping sound

Samuel Merritt vox-tech@lists.lugod.org
Wed, 26 Feb 2003 21:03:07 -0800

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On Wed, Feb 26, 2003 at 06:43:21PM -0800, ME wrote:
> Sorry, I went off on a tangent...
> If you are using an IDE based disk, and have a secondary drive (hdc or
> hdd) from which reading is taking place, the intensive IRQ shring could
> cause problems. If using a parallel based Zip drive or USB drive from
> which to play the sound file, consider copying the sound file to a
> mounteddir that is on mounted partition that is part of /dev/hda
> somewhere.

I've got a 3ware RAID controller. All my music lives on /dev/sda, which
is a 4-disk RAID-10(stripe of mirrors).=20

I tried cat'ing the file to /dev/null before playing it so that it would
be in the buffer cache. It still skipped.=20
> Also, are you into swap extensively when you hear the choppy sound?
> And what drive has your swap?

/dev/sda also has my swap, but I'm only using 32B (yes, bytes) of swap,
out of ~1000MB.=20

> Peter Jay Salzman said:
> > heh.  wasn't quite a request, but thanks anyway.   :)   it was a "your
> > video card is using irq 15.  make sure it's not conflicting with
> > anything".   :)

I checked; the video card is the only thing on IRQ 15. The sound card
and my USB controller share IRQ 11, but I can transfer files at full
speed from my USB keychain-disk without any sound problems.=20

> > this is the kind of thing i can't seem to remember.  i google for it
> > whenever i need it.    i should throw it up on my web page just so i
> > don't bother google with the same question over and over.   :)
> >
> > thanks,
> > pete
> >
> >
> > begin ME <dugan@passwall.com>
> >> Peter Jay Salzman said:
> >> > i don't know my irq numbers.  is 15 usually assigned to something li=
> >> > the timer or usb?
> >>
> >> On Systems with IDE based drives, 15 is often secondary IDE.
> >>
> >> 0=3Dcpu/timer *
> >> 1=3Dkeyboard *
> >> 2=3DCascade to upper 8 irq *
> >> 3=3D/dev/ttyS1
> >> 4=3D/dev/ttyS0
> >> 5=3Doften free or sound card or extra par port or serial port
> >> 6=3DFloppy Drive Controller #
> >> 7=3Dparallel port #1 #
> >> 8=3Dclock/real time clock *
> >> 9=3Dcascade from 2, effectively "same as "2" but not quite the same *
> >> 10=3D often free or sound or usb or firewire or...
> >> 11=3D often free or sound or usb or firewire or...
> >> 12=3Dps2 mouse if you have one #
> >> 13=3DMath Co *
> >> 14=3DPrimary IDE or SCSI on some systems #
> >> 15=3DSecondary IDE #
> >>
> >> Of course with the newer IRQ stuff much is not "set" and unchangeable.
> >> The ones I listed above ith a trailing "*" are pretty much set without
> >> you
> >> given choice.
> >> The ones with trailing "#" often use that IRQ resource when present and
> >> these are often unchangable, but not always.
> >> The serial ports are usually set as above, butcan often be altered.
> >>
> >> The above describes older x86 based PC IRQ.
> >>
> >> With newer systems and PCI with resource sharing and the virtual mappi=
> >> of "extra IRQ" you can find caes where your x86 based linux system will
> >> report IRQ higher than 15 when you cat /proc/interrupts
> >>
> >> Enjoy,
> >> -ME
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> > vox-tech mailing list
> > vox-tech@lists.lugod.org
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> >
> >
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Samuel Merritt
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