[vox-tech] kernel compile crashes Red Hat 7.2

ME vox-tech@lists.lugod.org
Tue, 25 Feb 2003 19:57:13 -0800 (PST)

Dmitriy said:
> On Tue, Feb 25, 2003 at 06:12:28PM -0800, Ryan wrote:
>> I am trying to re-compile my kernel to support SMP. I am using the
>> default
>> menuconfig options with the addition of appletalk and ipx support
>> modules. And
>> my server crashes when compiling the latest kernel. I have tried
>> compiling on
>> 2.4.18-19 and 2.4.7-10 with gcc-2.96-112.7.2. Has anyone else had a
>> similar
>> problem?
> gcc-2.96 seems to be your problem. Use gcc-2.95, as 2.96 does not
> officially exist and is known to have problems comiling kernels.

Now,I don't use RedHat on my own boxes, as they have done some rather
"odd" things. They may still be doing this, but when they were in
limbo-land for gcc versions changes in RH 7.x, they asked their users who
wanted to compile their own kernels to use kgcc instead of gcc.

If life is still like this, consider the following after doing your
configure or make menuconfig...
hand-edit "Makefile" in the root of the linux kernel src tree.
Findthe line:
HOSTCC          = gcc
and change to:
HOSTCC          = kgcc

See if that helps at all.

Next a question, is this compilation crashing the running system or the
booting kernel? Also, what do you mean by "crash"? A full system lockup
where you cant switch terminals? (control-alt-F1 from "X" and to get back
to X, ALT-F7 (on most distros, though it is possible for another F# to be
the default for first X session.)

Another user on our list reported problems with a 2.4.X series kernel from
RH (an rpm even) and found there was a later "sub-minor" version of the
kernel "out there" that was more stable. I am not sure if it was 2.4.18,
bvut it may be. You can search the nblug mailing list to see:

I think it was :
"Kernel 2.4.18-18 Compile Problems.."
Thread begin:

Of course, their resolution was to move to 2.4.18-19 - the one that you
are using. Of course, for their problem, I think it worked.


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