[vox-tech] corrupted ext3 filesystem

Peter Jay Salzman vox-tech@lists.lugod.org
Tue, 11 Feb 2003 16:22:02 -0800

begin Jonathan Stickel <jjstickel@netscape.net> 
> Thanks, Pete, for correctly guessing that my xmms/rpm problems were due 
> to a corrupted filesystem.  I have managed to fix the filesystem with 
> fsck (many, many errors) and reload the two affected programs with rpm.
no prob!   truth be told, it was kind of fun answering your questions.

but more importantly, you've learned a whole bunch of Really Important
Stuff in the process, without getting bit too badly.

as far as the rest of your message goes, i'll try to answer it tomorrow
if nobody else does.  i'm going to work soon, and am trying to finish
writing a statement up before work (i was nominated for the 2003
outstanding teaching assistant award).   :-)


First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you,
then you win. -- Gandhi, being prophetic about Linux.

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