[vox-tech] [OT] IRQ's under win2k

Mark K. Kim vox-tech@lists.lugod.org
Sat, 13 Dec 2003 14:33:42 -0800 (PST)

I don't use win2k but...

If you go to the device manager under the control panel, then click on the
resources tab, you might be able to assign resources manually.


On Sat, 13 Dec 2003, Peter Jay Salzman wrote:

> hi all,
> i have a linux/win2k dual boot.  everything is fine under linux, but
> i've got IRQ problems under windows.
> the sound sucks under win2k, but only when playing games.  it's fine
> when playing mp3's.  looking at the control panel, i noticed that the
> whole damned system is assigned to IRQ 11:
>     linux           win2k
> 1   timer           timer
> 2   keyboard
> 3   cascade
> 4   scsi            com1
> 5
> 6                   floppy
> 7
> 8   rtc             rtc
> 9                   ACPI
> 10
> 11  sound/usb/net   sound/usb/net/scsi/tv capture/AGP
> 12  PS2             PS/2
> 13                  mathco
> 14  ide0            ide0
> 15  ide1            id1
> the problem is obvious -- sound cards generally don't like sharing IRQ's
> to begin with, but having sound and video on the same IRQ is enough to
> kill sound on games.  if i can get either sound or video off of 11, i'm
> sure everything will be fine.
> but here's the rub.  linux works perfectly.  i'm reluctant to start
> pulling PCI cards out and redistributing them, because i don't want to
> trade a problem under windows for a problem under linux.  besides,
> everything is on 11, so i don't see how shuffling cards would work in
> this case.
> any ideas on what i should do?  i'm sufficiently unfamiliar with windows
> that i'm not sure what resources are available to help resolve the
> problem.
> i can't find anything saying "assign IRQ X to PCI slot Y" in BIOS.
> maybe i just don't know where to look.
> however, there's options to "let BIOS assign IRQ X" and "reserve IRQ X".
> i'm not sure what "reserve" means, but i'm assuming that "reserve" means
> "don't assign IRQ X because an ISA card is going to want it".
> the machine in question uses a networked printer and has no serial
> devices, so IRQ's 3, 4, 5, and 7 are useless.  however, i can't find a
> way to tell windows to use them.
> help?
> pete
> ps- this kind of problem wouldn't happen under an AMD64 system, right?
> pps- this just emphasizes the fact that i really have no idea how IRQ's
> are assigned to begin with.  i know that certain PCI ports are tied to
> share certain IRQ's, hence "shuffling PCI cards" is a way of dealing
> with IRQ conflicts.  and i know that you can instruct BIOS not to assign
> IRQ's to let ISA cards take them.  but there must be more to that.  why
> would all my PCI cards be assigned to the same IRQ?  does anybody
> *really* know the nitty gritty details of how these things are assigned?
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Mark K. Kim
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