[vox-tech] Formatting USB Media sticks

Richard Burkhart vox-tech@lists.lugod.org
Thu, 11 Dec 2003 13:08:53 -0800

Main question:
Do the standard linux filesystem tools (for DOS/vfat) work when formatting
USB plug-in media?

After a month of use, one of the directories got corrupted.  When mounted in
Linux, it reads as read-only.  In windows I can see the directory structure,
but can not access anything.  Also, in Win2k, once i've tried to access
something, the stick will no longer un-mount.

Proof of RTFM/STFW:
The memory stick was a raffle prize - I have no documentation or driver
disks.  According to the manufacturer's website, you're *not* supposed to
use the standard Windows formatting tools to reformat the file system ...
They offer formatting tools in their downloads section.  However, since
there's no model number on the stick, and *five* separate models of drive
use the same chassis, I don't know which particular model I've got.

Proof I've been at work way way way too long today,
and I really need a drink:
I'm writing to a linux tech list in bulleted lists and chapter-breakout

