[vox-tech] cvs: directory CVS specified in argument

Dave Peticolas vox-tech@lists.lugod.org
25 Sep 2002 03:12:38 -0700

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On Wed, 2002-09-25 at 02:19, Peter Jay Salzman wrote:
> is there a way to get cvs to ignore certain filetypes or perhaps
> individual directories?   i'd rather not see stuff like:
> p@satan% cvs update
> ? ddd.log
> there's no reason to add a LaTeX log file in the cvs.  OTOH, i'm
> collecting a lot of these little "temp file", and these question mark
> lines scroll off a console.  i know it's not "broken", but i'm anal
> enough that it's disconcerting.
> any way to surpress this kind of stuff based on filename?

Yes, add a file called '.cvsignore' to each directory
containing files you want cvs to ignore. By add, I mean
actually add to the repository, not just your local copy.
Each .cvsignore file should contain a list of files to ignore.
You can use shell wildcards in the filenames.

This is actually a very good idea, a properly configured
tree shouldn't have any '?' files during processing. That
way, '?' files can be used as indications of problems --
usually forgetting to 'cvs add' a new file.


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