[vox-tech] cvs: directory CVS specified in argument

Dave Peticolas vox-tech@lists.lugod.org
25 Sep 2002 02:09:50 -0700

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On Wed, 2002-09-25 at 01:55, Peter Jay Salzman wrote:
> ok, i'm not exactly a cvs newbie, but i'm not really proficient at it
> either...
> cvs gives a warning i don't understand:
>    p@satan% cvs commit
>    cvs commit: Examining .
>    cvs commit: Examining images
>    cvs commit: warning: directory CVS specified in argument
>    cvs commit: but CVS uses CVS for its own purposes; skipping CVS direct=
>    cvs commit: Examining other
>    cvs commit: Examining src.peter
> i understand what the warning is saying, but i'm clueless as to why cvs
> is saying it.  none of the "CVS/" directories have a directory named
> "CVS".  ie: there are no directories that look like CVS/CVS.
> why does cvs think i'm trying to commit "CVS" and how do i get it to not
> think i'm trying to commit "CVS"?

That is strange, it's almost as if a CVS directory got added
to the repository somehow...but that's not supposed to happen.

Take a look at images/CVS/Entries and see if there is a line
in there that starts with 'D/CVS'. If there is, delete that.


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