[vox-tech] Conexant (Rockwell) winmodems

Rick Moen vox-tech@lists.lugod.org
Thu, 12 Sep 2002 01:57:54 -0700

Quoting Larry Ozeran (lozeran@clinicalinformatics.com):

> Thanks for your comments. I have been to linmodem before and I was never
> able to get any of the drivers there to work.

Just to clarify, linmodems.org is just an information clearinghouse
site, and doesn't develop winmodem drivers, only link to them.  I have
my own summary of known winmodem drivers, at the end of

My own view is that it's better in the long term to just write off the
(tiny) cost of a winmodem and get a genuine hardware modem to use,
instead.  (If nothing else, your time and trouble cost something.)

> From my perspective, it is still a level of cooperation from
> Conexant that didn't exist before.

I don't see that:  Same proprietary code as before, except now they want
to con the open source community to maintain wrapper layers for them.
But views obviously differ widely.

Cheers,   "This is mad, egotistical, sick, twisted, and stretches the bounds of
Rick Moen   good taste right off the tongue, past the uvula, and down around 
rick@linuxmafia.com      the duodenum.  It has other merits, but that should 
           indicate positive interest."  -- The Cube, http://www.forum3000.org/