[vox-tech] What's in RedHat 8.0

vox-tech@lists.lugod.org vox-tech@lists.lugod.org
Fri, 4 Oct 2002 09:23:18 -0700

Hi all!
I am new to linux, and I m planning to get a copy of RedHat 8.0. Do u
guys recommend the personal version or the professional version??

-----Original Message-----
From: vox-tech-admin@lists.lugod.org
[mailto:vox-tech-admin@lists.lugod.org] On Behalf Of Bill Kendrick
Sent: Tuesday, October 01, 2002 11:25 AM
To: vox-tech@lists.lugod.org
Subject: Re: [vox-tech] What's in RedHat 8.0

On Tue, Oct 01, 2002 at 11:10:45AM -0700, dugan@passwall.com wrote:
> What you don't know, is there are people chanting "Go Bill! Go Bill!
> Go Bill!" in hopes you actually do run the universe.

I thought they meant "go, bill" - as in "go away, bill" ;^)

> When that happens, we can be guaranteed
> only good SciFi programming, a followup to what really happened in
> 7 after "the lights went out" and the firefight began,

See alt.fan.blakes7 for some recent discussion on that.

Also keep an eye out on http://www.blakes7.com/ for info. on the
TV movie starring Paul Darrow (the deliciously wicked Avon).

> a return of B&B on MTV,

Yeah! Yeah! That'd be cool!

> and a new command-line arg for X called --enable-bill to use
> Bill-defined additions to X for his games. ;-)

Doubtful.  However, I AM working on a new Atari 8-bit game. :^)

PS - For my most recent steps at world domination, turn to page 62 of
     latest Linux Journal (Oct.'02)
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