[vox-tech] RH 7.2 configuration

Joey Karalius vox-tech@lists.lugod.org
Tue, 05 Mar 2002 15:57:13 -0800

I'm having trouble getting my new installation of RH 7.2 set up.  I'm 
trying to configure the kernel with the appropriate modules for modem, 
sound card, and ZIP drive.

The modem is recognized by the system and should be supported but I 
can't get it working, since modemtool isn't found.
The sound card is recognized as unsupported, so I downloaded the alsa 
I can 'ismod ppa' to get the ZIP drive working, but can't configure the 
kernel following the mini-HOWTO to include the module.

The sticking point is when I try to run make xconfig, config, or 
menuconfig (I get the 'no target' error).  Also, the directory 
'usr/src/linux' doesn't exist, I know it's supposed to be in the redhat 
directory, but I can't 'make' anything in there either.

I thought that maybe some packages were not installed so I rpm'd a bunch 
  of stuff from the install disks, and even ran a whole 'nother update 
run last night to see if something was missing.

Any ideas why I can't run this stuff?  I'm sending this e-mail from my 
Windows system so I haven't pasted any text from the shell to help in 

Also, an un-related question:
  How do I mount a MAC-formatted ZIP disk?

An un-related comment:
   I was scanning the list archives to see if my questions were answered 
before, and navigating them was a bit tedious (lots of scrolling back up 
the page, switching from view by date/thread, and backtracking to 
previous pages).  My suggestion is to include links to the next/previous 
month at the bottom of the page or better yet, put a menu up on the page 
so users can jump to any month from any other month, and in whatever 
format by thread/by date.

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<====/  \   \=====|  |   |=========================================>
   ||J\   \   \JK/\|  |   |JKJKJK|| MR. SALT:                    ||
   ||KJ\   \   \/     |__ |KJKJKJ||    "What is this, Wonka?     ||
   ||JKJ\   \___\          /   /K||     Some kind of funhouse?"  ||
   ||KJKJ\   |   |    ____/___/KJ||                              ||
   ||JKJKJ|  |___|\   \   \JKJKJK|| WILLY WONKA:                 ||
   ||KJKJ/   /   /J\   \___\JKJKJ||    "Why?  Having fun?"       ||
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   ||  \___/___/     \/___/      ||                              ||