[vox-tech] how to configure X 4.x on debian woody

Rick Moen vox-tech@lists.lugod.org
Sun, 16 Jun 2002 11:32:23 -0700

Peter wrote:
> ok, there was a request on vox-tech for
>    "how to configure X 4.x on woody",
> which is another way of asking:
>    "how to configure X 4.x on my linux machine when my GUI tools fail".
> i wrote something up for the installfest tomorrow.  took about 5
> minutes, so don't expect too much:
>    http://www.dirac.org/linux/debian/X.txt

Looking down through it, first of all, I heartily agree with "Install
Woody.  Don't install Potato."  Since you're going to want to stick
with the "testing" branch, why now start with what's _already_ the 
testing branch (3.0 aka "woody")?

Woody includes /usr/X11R6/bin/xf86cfg , a decent graphical configuration
tool for XFree86 4.x, apparently contributed by  Paulo César Pereira de
Andrade of Conectiva Linux S.A. to the XFree86 Project.  (Ah, I see you
mention that.)  There's also the gnarly old ncurse-type xf86config 
program, which should be used only by those already used to it.

I vaguely recall that the Debian Project also produced a fairly nice,
X-based alternative called anXious, but haven't found it necessary to
grab that.  (Warning:  That may be XFree86 3.x, only.)  xf86cfg does the
trick, nicely.

XFree86 v. 4.x's hardware-probing has proven sufficiently reliable that
I've never had to tweak config files the way one did with 3.x.  I'm
beginning to feel like a buggy-whip manufacturer in the era of the Ford
Model A.

Cheers,      "On the face of it, Microsoft complaining about the source license 
Rick Moen    used by Linux is like the event horizon calling the kettle black."
rick@linuxmafia.com             -- Adam Barr, former Microsoft Corp. programmer