[vox-tech] how to configure X 4.x on debian woody

Peter Jay Salzman vox-tech@lists.lugod.org
Sat, 15 Jun 2002 18:25:49 -0700

ok, there was a request on vox-tech for

   "how to configure X 4.x on woody",
which is another way of asking:

   "how to configure X 4.x on my linux machine when my GUI tools fail".

i wrote something up for the installfest tomorrow.  took about 5
minutes, so don't expect too much:


i don't plan on maintaining this document unless a bunch of people tell
me "yeah, it's useful", although i'll fix any errors.  i'd rather spend
my time on the jigdo document (the author contacted me to write a mini
howto on jigdo-lite!  cool!)

if i get feedback on this, i'll try to fill it out and make it more

ok, rusty.  now you can handle those woody X installs.   :-)

hope it's all correct and understandable!
