[vox-tech] ssh tunneling
Mon, 3 Jun 2002 21:33:11 -0400
On Mon, Jun 03, 2002 at 06:14:57PM -0700, Gabriel Rosa wrote:
> ssh -L 12345:localhost:143 purple.ucdavis.edu
> it tells me i'm not allowed to log in to purple.ucdavis.edu
If you can't ssh normally into purple then the above will not work.
> is this hopeless? any ideas?
It's not as good as ssl based imap, or a tunnel directly to purple.
It's better than nothing:
Find the host that is network-map-wise "closest" to purple as you
can get, which you can ssh into. Then do something like this:
ssh -L 12345:purple.ucdavis.edu:143 some_other.ucdavis.edu
In effect what you are doing is creating a secure tunnel from the
machine you run ssh on to the some_other host, then channeling the
traffic clear channel from some_other to purple. If you are running
this from a DSL or Cable Modem home line and some_other is inside
the UCD network, it is likely to be more secure...