[vox-tech] Debian Woody Officially Released

nbs vox-tech@lists.lugod.org
Sat, 20 Jul 2002 13:32:18 -0700

On Sat, Jul 20, 2002 at 12:06:39PM -0700, Rick Moen wrote:
> From the perspective of a running system's admin,
> it was Debian-stable one day, and still Debian-stable the next day.
> The fact that it automatically followed the symlink from stable = potato
> to stable = woody is intellectually interesting, but the admin probably
> wouldn't even notice unless he read Slashdot.

Trust me.  I noticed. :)  "apt-get upgrade" (or was it dist-upgrade?)
had been installing 0 changes 99% of the time for the past ~6 months or so.

Last night, an 'upgrade' of 'stable' caused about 200 packages to come
through.  I have about 10000 more installed files and directories on my
system. :)

> In a functional sense, you had them running _stable_.  Guess what?
> They're still running stable.  Get the point?

You weren't asking me, but _I_ do get the point. :)

> Guess what?  Stable will always be "horribly out of date".

Well, it will become "more and more horribly out of date" as time goes on.

Sure, it's a little out of date today (as of the "release" of 3.0, since
these packages have been sitting around being tested for a while -- how long
has it been frozen now?), but I wouldn't call it "horribly" out of date
quite yet. ;)

Out-of-dated-ness is perfectly fine for my guest machine / print server.
Last night's upgrade is refreshing, though - I can now throw junk in it like
libSDL1.2, KDE, and so on, with mere "apt-get install"'s.
