[vox-tech] easy httpd.conf question

David Margolis vox-tech@lists.lugod.org
Tue, 9 Jul 2002 21:35:38 -0700 (PDT)

hello, i need to know where to specify in httpd.conf
that http://www.somedomain.net/directory
should be read teh same way as http://www.somedomain.net/directory/

bascially what's happening is when the former is called, the server looks
for a root level file called directory, finds no such file, and reports a
lovely 404 error.  when i type the remaining front slash, apache says oh
that directory and displays index.php (.htm, or whatever) as expected.

i remember fixing this before was easy, but i really don't remember ...
is this behavior controlled by a module, or simply a directive?
