[vox-tech] calling all dosemu users

ME vox-tech@lists.lugod.org
Fri, 4 Jan 2002 15:55:20 -0800 (PST)

> begin ME <dugan@passwall.com>=20
> > A long while ago. (3-4 years ago) got duke nukem 3d to work in dosemu a=
> > well as a bunch of other games including some genesis emulators.
> > genesis emulators running in dosemu running in X on linux - cool nestin=
> > eh?

On Fri, 4 Jan 2002, Peter Jay Salzman wrote:
> did you use msdos or freedos?

A little of both.

> i'm asking because i'm trying to get the cdrom to work under dosemu with
> freedos.  the big problem is that i can't find mscdex.

Why? try lredir (I think) and map the mounted CD rom from LInux to be a
dos disk. :-) It can be done in autoexec.bat I thnk or you can change the
dosemu config files to map a linux dir to a drive letter=3D or even an
entire device (I think)

> a google search turned up something called fdcdex (presumably freedos
> cdrom driver), but that's not installed on my system either.
> i'm close to scrapping freedos, uninstalling the packaged dosemu, compili=
> dosemu from source and putting in msdos.
> any advice on getting the cdrom to work?

Yep, see above.

> also, according the dosemu howto, networking doesn't work under freedos.
> however, the howto hasn't been updated since 1997.  have any idea
> whether the status of networking has changed or not?

Well.... I have been able to start and join IPX/SPX games with DosEMU but
the loss of data was pretty high and as games progressed from DOSEMU the
net games would become less stable. I seem to recall setting up some
TCP/IP stuff using a DOS PPP system and some funky things with Linux, but
this could possibly just be a dream=A0I had. It has been a while.

(May have used KA9Q or another PPP/IP like thing, but dont have them