[vox-tech] calling all dosemu users

Peter Jay Salzman vox-tech@lists.lugod.org
Fri, 4 Jan 2002 15:59:44 -0800

begin ME <dugan@passwall.com> 
> A long while ago. (3-4 years ago) got duke nukem 3d to work in dosemu as
> well as a bunch of other games including some genesis emulators.
> genesis emulators running in dosemu running in X on linux - cool nesting
> eh?
did you use msdos or freedos?

i'm asking because i'm trying to get the cdrom to work under dosemu with
freedos.  the big problem is that i can't find mscdex.

a google search turned up something called fdcdex (presumably freedos
cdrom driver), but that's not installed on my system either.

i'm close to scrapping freedos, uninstalling the packaged dosemu, compiling
dosemu from source and putting in msdos.

any advice on getting the cdrom to work?

also, according the dosemu howto, networking doesn't work under freedos.
however, the howto hasn't been updated since 1997.  have any idea
whether the status of networking has changed or not?
