[vox-tech] rdate servers and apt-get for redhat

Henry House vox-tech@lists.lugod.org
Sun, 15 Dec 2002 10:09:43 -0800

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On Wed, Dec 11, 2002 at 09:17:38PM -0800, Andy Wergedal wrote:
> The server list that I was using is not working.
> I found more time server and now my systems are updating again.
> Here is the updated line. I run this one liner in a cron job once per
> week.
> rdate -s time.nist.gov
> Thanks for all the suggestions.

One more suggestion: try ntpdate, a daemonless version of NTP. It will not
abruptly change the system time like rdate if the local clock is off by a
large amount, so it is kinder to cron and other processes that depend on the
clock not skipping large blocks of time. Syntax is 'ntpdate <server>'. I
recomment the server 'time.five-ten-sg.com', which I determined to be the
closest (using netselect) from a list of likely cantidates on the public NTP
server list in the NTP FAQ.

Henry House
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