[vox-tech] Red Hat apache problem (was: [lugod lert] Help, please)

Henry House vox-tech@lists.lugod.org
Thu, 5 Dec 2002 09:25:32 -0800

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On Wed, Dec 04, 2002 at 08:56:39PM -0800, Janet Meizel wrote:
> Hi-
> I 've upgraded from Redhat 6.5 to 8.0 server at Davis High School and=20
> included Apache in the install.  Everything is set up to go, but when I=
> try to access the web page (I assume it is index.html), from another=20
> computer, the message is that of denial. =20
> I'd like to change the accessibility, but haven't been able to locate=20
> the file- even with grep.  Can you tell me where it is located? (which=20
> directory, etc.) =20

Redirected to the Vox-tech list since there does not seem to be a LERT
request in your message.

Would you send along the contents of the Apache configuration file please?
That file will specify where the web pages are. The file will be in /etc, a=
is probably called /etc/apache/httpd.conf or something similar.

Vox-techers: please CC this fellow in replies, since he is likely not
subscribed to the list.

Henry House
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