[vox-tech] Debian WOODY ISO

Peter Jay Salzman vox-tech@lists.lugod.org
Tue, 23 Apr 2002 16:03:55 -0700

begin msimons@moria.simons-clan.com <msimons@moria.simons-clan.com> 
>   .hu is Hungry, there really must be a better place to pull 2+ Gigs
> of files from.
>   Possibly a better place to get the woody cds is "apt-get install debian-cd"
> followed by a bunch of reading I haven't done yet.
i guess "jigdo" is the new way of doing this.  i'm using it right now.
we'll see if i can actually generate a good iso from it...

>   For what it's worth the demo machine is coming along nicely,
> (a full report of the system will be following) if someone can bring
> a IDE CD-R/RW drive and blanks to the demo this weekend I may be
> able to burn ISO's while we talk.  (If someone wants to donate
> a CD-R/RW or similar drive that would be even better :).
isn't there a scsi card in the system?

maybe lugod should invest in a plextor cdrw for the machine?  we do have the
funds for it; lugod has been pretty thrifty...
