[vox-outreach] SFD Materials

Alex Mandel tech_dev at wildintellect.com
Sun Sep 7 17:19:07 PDT 2008

Software Freedom Day is Sat Sept 20th.

Lugod will be tabling at the Farmer's Market, it's now time to make sure
we prepare adequate materials.

Bill has made copies of some flyers, but I'd be interested in seeing
someone come up with something new or updating what we've got.

We need to burn discs to give away:
U(K,X)buntu 8.04 Regular/Live Disc - Target number 50, we have ?

What else:
Knoppix 5.3.1 - How many do we still have? What version?
 * http://www.knopper.net/knoppix-mirrors/index-en.html

OpenSource Windows Software
 * http://www.theopendisc.com - Both the Regular and Edu version
 * http://www.ttcsweb.org/osswin-cd/
OpenSource Mac Software (Intel, PPC?) - http://www.freesmug.org/fscd/

If you burn discs, please reply on the email list and state which and
how many so we can keep track. Other burn options are welcome just post
your idea before you burn, we don't want to waste time or discs on
obscure or not quite free things (Any disc that includes DVD or other
proprietary codecs, plugins (flash, acrobat etc.) on disc is a no).

For all those planning to table here's some light reading to help you
explain FOSS to the people:


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