[vox-outreach] WEF prep: Handouts

Bill Kendrick nbs at sonic.net
Thu May 10 00:39:40 PDT 2007

Well, I barely had time to do anything, but threw an updated version of
the somewhat generic "What is Open Source, and here are some examples of it"
pamphlet on the LUGOD Handouts page.


Alex said he'll print that (double-sided, black-n-white), as well as the
LUGOD photo collage flyer:


He said he'd like something with more up-to-date Free Software / OSS links,
those that are interesting to WEF.  For example, the One Laptop Per Child

Can someone come up with a pageful of links?  (Maybe categorized.)
Then either post a link to a printable PDF or PostScript to this list
for him to grab?

(And/or the source file -- e.g., an OpenOffice.org Writer "ODT" file,
TeX file, HTML text... whatever)


bill at newbreedsoftware.com

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