[vox-outreach] Valley Oak Charter School

Christian Einfeldt einfeldt at gmail.com
Wed Dec 5 10:59:03 PST 2007


On Dec 5, 2007 2:29 AM, Nick Schmalenberger <nick at schmalenberger.us> wrote:

> > Alex
> Assuming that Valley Oak has a computer lab right now so are they going
> to be able to buy those from the school district? How will that compare
> to getting stuff from the Alameda place or CRC?

ACCRC.org is a good place to deal with, because they will provide
replacement warrantees for the boxes.  If the boxes go bad, they will just
give you a replacement.

If you are thinking of purchasing FOSS equipment or want to pay someone to
come in and do the wiring, I would recommend a few different groups.  There
is one guy in Granite Bay, probably very close to you, Steve Hargadon, who
does lots and lots of this kind of work, and does an excellent, speedy job,
and provides support.  And he can do it with old hardware.  He is the guy
who originally set up our FOSS thin clients at the public middle school that
we are supporting on a volunteer basis in San Francisco.  Here is his page:


Here is a quote from his page.

"Complete school, lab, or business networks can be set up in less than a day
and can provide years of inexpensive computer use. Existing computers can be
converted to high-speed workstations. Popular software programs like
OpenOffice and Firefox run fast and effectively. There are no operating
system or software licensing fees, no costly upgrades, and no viruses or
spyware to worry about."

Steve tends to focus on older hardware, and AFAIK, doesn't provide new
hardware.  Don't quote me on that, though, check with him.  If you want
original new hardware with FOSS pre-installed, there are two places that I
can recommend.  One is in Berkeley, called Zareason.com.  The other is in
San Francisco, called TechCollective.com.  I have worked with them both, and
they are both reliable and high quality at a decent price.  The contact at
Zareason is Cathy Malmrose.  The contact at TechCollective is Yochai Gal (a
young man, it's a Hebrew name).

-- =

Christian Einfeldt,
Producer, The Digital Tipping Point
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