[vox-outreach] Society for Technical Communicators 2004 Region 8 Conference

Bill Kendrick vox-outreach@lists.lugod.org
Fri, 28 May 2004 17:41:34 -0700

Last year LUGOD and SacLUG attended the Society for Technical Communicators
conference in Sacramento ("Writers in the Workplace").

This year's STC Conference will be here in Davis, at UC Davis.
It takes place Sunday July 25th thru Tues July 27th.
(The "Pavillion", which I believe is where we'd be exhibiting,
is open 9am-5pm on Sunday, and 9am-6pm on Mon. and Tue.)

Brian Lavender has been contacted by STC, and pass the info on to me,
and I've contacted them to let them know we're probably interested in
taking part in the event.  (I'm sure some SacLUG and RoseLUG folks would
be willing to help out, too.)

I think we might have enough leftovers from WEF and GTC, and the booth would
be free (since we're a non-profit).  (I'm not sure if power costs anything,
or if there'll be network, and if it will cost... I've asked about this.)

So, would folks from LUGOD be interested in staffing another booth in July?
OpenOffice.org evangelists, [La]TeX and LyX gurus, and usability geeks would
definitely have fun evangelizing at this event!  (Ya hear that Paul & Henry!?)

