[Vox-Outreach] GTC passes

Mike Simons vox-outreach@lists.lugod.org
Thu, 08 May 2003 14:32:45 -0400

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On Thu, May 08, 2003 at 12:45:59AM -0400, Rob Rogers wrote:
> What exactly is required of someone staffing?

  As Bill said, you stand around and talk to people who come to the
booth... see what they are interested in and hand them fliers relevant=20
to their questions.  Let them know what Linux is, and what the various
clubs in the area do (mailing lists, meetings, installfests, demos,
library, etc).  See if they would like to come to our meetings... and
if they already use Linux (in some interesting way) see if they want to
come talk at our meetings.

> I'd be available any of the days if you still need more people. ;)

  Yes, we can still use more people... most people want to do a day
sized blocks.  Given what you said I'll sign you up for all three days,
if you really only want to be there one day or for a few hours just
say so... :)

  I won't be worried about having a booth too-crowded until we get 5
people at the same time.  If that happens someone can wander the show
floor for a while to take a break.

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