[vox-jobs] [fwd] Linux/Unix Systems Administrator [UC Berkeley]

Bill Kendrick nbs at sonic.net
Tue Feb 8 09:13:24 PST 2011

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   UC Berkeley is conducting a search for a senior level Linux Systems
   Administrator to join our team of talented system administrators in the
   Information Services and Technology (IST) division. We are searching for
   someone with expertise in Red Hat Enterprise Linux, VMware, Apache/Tomcat,
   JBOSS, configuration management (Cfengine and/or Puppet) and system
   monitoring (Zenoss and/or Nagios/Cacti).

   This is a full-time, career position with an anticipated annual salary up
   to $128,000. If you are interested in learning more about this position,
   please feel free to email Don MacLeod dmacleod at berkeley.edu . You are also
   welcome to forward this opportunity along to any colleagues you feel might
   be a good fit. To view full job posting online visit
   http://jobs.berkeley.edu and search for Job ID #11834.

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