[vox-jobs] [fwd] Server Admin, Foster City

Bill Kendrick nbs at sonic.net
Sun Mar 5 13:14:19 PST 2006

----- Forwarded message from Britt Loughlin -----

Date: Thu, 2 Mar 2006 14:19:07 -0800
From: "Britt Loughlin"
Subject: Job Posting - Server Admin, Foster City

QuinStreet, a leading online advertising company. Its online media
publishing division produces high-quality magazines, interactive
directories, and product showcases. We manage our own advertisement
network in online publications, and we have developed profitable
partnerships with most of our advertisers. We offer them unrivaled
return on their advertisement spending by tailoring our inventory and
pricing to their daily needs. 


*	Perform day-to-day administrative tasks for our UNIX/LINUX-based
hosting servers; for instance, server maintenance, software
installation, and shell scripting
*	Monitor and log the system performance
*	Setup and maintain MySQL databases across multiple servers

Technical Requirements:

*	1-2 years of employment experience in related fields 
*	Must have good working knowledge of UNIX/LINUX
*	Experience with web servers (Apache, IIS)
*	Strong understanding of database schema and normalization
*	Proficiency with shell scripting is required
*	Exposure to Perl programming is a plus

For more information and to apply please visit the posting on our
website: http://www.cytiva.com/qnst/Detail_qnst.asp?qnst1012

----- End forwarded message -----


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