[vox-if] January IF report, any upcoming planned?

Bob Scofield scofield at omsoft.com
Sat Feb 16 08:43:36 PST 2008

On Friday 15 February 2008, Christopher James McKenzie wrote:
> Trying to get the CS Club on campus involved has been a dismal failure.
> Maybe some lateral organization could support us... for instance,
> perhaps Linux is really used in say, botany, and there are wonderful
> botany applications (theoretical) - then perhaps going to the botany
> club could be the best way to get a staff for publicity.
> That's promotion from a user side;  People are passionate about their
> field, and if linux helps them explore their field, then they can be
> passionate about getting other people in similar fields to also use it...

How about the Math Department?  It seems like at least three LUGOD members 
work for the Math Dept.; a couple of them doing computer support work there 
(if I'm not mistaken).  That's odd about the CS club.

> There is also promotion from a politics side, which people are *so*
> passionate about, that every few decades they start going to war over
> it.  Anyway, this has to be done *with extreme caution* however, for
> fear that we associate with a pariah.
> What we would really be looking for is a more anarchist or community
> oriented group.  This would include people like the Greens and the
> Libertarians - whom I've met a lot of through Linux related projects.
> Maybe even bike church/SSA people since they are pretty strong on
> communities.
> .. anyway, those are some ideas ..

1)  Anarchists-

One thing you can point out to the anarchists is that Debian and K/Ubuntu have 
an anarchism package.  This is no joke.  Debian has a large package on 
anarchism under the documentation section.  At the last Whole Earth Festival 
there was a group of anarchists from Modesto with a large table.  If they 
show up this year, maybe we can hit them with some literature.

2)  Libertarians-

I assume that there are already a lot of libertarians using Linux.  I wouldn't 
be surprised if this were the case given the technological notoriety that the 
Ron Paul supporters have gotten during the election campaign.

3)  Greens-

I have been pleasantly surprised over the year at the number of Yolo County 
Greens that use Linux.  Some of these people have left the area.  I have 
forwarded several IF announcements to the Yolo Green Announcement list over 
the years including a couple of announcements recently.  And a few years ago 
I sent out a four part essay on why Greens should be using Linux.  (I wonder 
if I can find that.)

Tonight I will send your most recent announcement, with a little message, out 
to the Central Greens list.  The Central Greens list goes to people from 
Bakersfield to the Oregon border.  I will offer to meet any out of towners 
and escort them to the IF site.


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