[vox-announce] Reminder: Nominations for LUGOD secretary

Bill Kendrick nbs at sonic.net
Sun Dec 12 21:24:06 PST 2004

Nominations are STILL being accepted for LUGOD's secretary ('typescript')
officer position.

If you would like to run for this position, or nominate someone else for it,
please send your nomination to Dmitriy Ivanov, who's currently acting as
interim secretary (as part of the vice presidential position):

  typescript at lugod.org

The job is quite easy.  The bylaws describe it as follows:

    iv: typescript (Secretary) does all the managerial and logistical work.
        The duties of typescript shall include:
         a: To take the minutes at meetings, and coordinate with the
            webmistress/master to have them made available at the website.
         b: To conduct elections for officership and Constitutional and Bylaw
         c: To maintain a listing of members, by circulating an attendance
            sheet at meetings.

Thank you!

pr at lugod.org
Linux Users' Group of Davis

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