[vox-announce] LUGOD projects updates

Bill Kendrick nbs@sonic.net
Mon, 26 Apr 2004 18:52:50 -0700

LUGOD has been planning a number of projects and exhibits for the coming
months.  Since not everyone is subscribed to our 'vox-outreach' mailing list,
and doesn't stare at our website or meeting minutes on a daily basis, I wanted
to give members a short heads-up and summary of each.

Tomorrow, Tuesday April 27th, LUGOD volunteers will be meeting with
Bill Pride, executive director of Davis Community Meals, a non-profit
which we discovered may benefit from hardware and/or software upgrades.
This meeting will be at 4pm at DCM's office, 1111 H Street.

A "project page" is being constructed, which details the current status:


LUGOD has spoken with exhibit coordinators from the Government Technology
Conference (GTC), which takes place at the Sacramento Convention Center
in mid-may.  We will be able to acquire a booth (unfurnished) at no cost,
and will need to pay ~$100 for power for the three-day long event.

More volunteers are needed for this exhibit.  You can learn more here:


Also in May, LUGOD will once again be attending the three-day long
Whole Earth Festival at UC Davis.  Our booth has already been paid for
(~$50), and we'll hopefully be located next to a solar power exhibit,
to power our demo machine and charge our laptops.

Volunteers are also needed for this exhibit.  The WEF project page is here:


To fill the need for CDROM handouts at WEF and GTC, LUGOD is strongly
considering taking advantage of a non-profit discount we can receive from
CheapBytes.  In the meantime, if anyone feels like hand-burning discs,
we have a number of blanks available, and a list of ISO links:


Thanks and take care!
