[vox-announce] Important Announcements About Lugod Mailing Lists

Peter Jay Salzman p@dirac.org
Wed, 12 Mar 2003 12:01:46 -0800

A couple of announcements:

1. Problems with the lists fixed
2. Enforcement of "lists.lugod.org"
3. Announcement of the new vox-jobs list

* There have been a number of things wrong with the mailing lists that
  we weren't aware of until recently.  Unfortunately, we learned about
  most of them about the same time that lugod's DNS broke which really
  complicated things.  Some of the problems were security related, so
  I won't discuss them right now.

  Mike Simons and I have worked non-stop for a few days on the lists,
  and with the generous help from Rod Roark, we ironed everything out.

* As a result, everyone must use:

      [listname]@lists.lugod.org    (1)

  instead of:

      [listname]@lugod.org          (2)

  As soon as Mike fixes one last thing, any email sent to (2) will
  bounce.  Please make this change immediately.

* I'm pleased to announce the creation of a new mailing list, vox-jobs.

  I'm still working out a charter for vox-jobs, but this is what I have
  so far.  On topics include:

     - Discussion of job hunting techniques
     - Announcements of Linux/Unix/OSS related jobs
     - Discussion of how to increase Linux/Unix/OSS jobs in the "area".
     - Announcements that you're for hire.

   Off topics include:

     - Announcements and discussions relating to jobs which are
       completely non-Linux, non-Unix, non-OSS.  There are more than
       enough discussion lists for Microsoft-only jobs.   The world
       doesn't need yet another one.

   Currently posting is subscriber based.  We'll soon be upgrading
   mailman to help ease list admining (not including the last 3 days,
   I'm spending about 2 hours/day on the lists).

   Once we upgrade mailman, we'll open up posting to non-subbers so
   companies can post on-topic job announcements.  We hope that between
   RBL's, spam assassin and my own postfix spam filter, spam won't be
   too much of a problem on vox-jobs.  If it turns out to be a problem,
   I'll rethink the policy.

   You can subscribe to vox-jobs at:


Whew.  Now I get back to my own work.   :)


First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you,
then you win. -- Gandhi, being prophetic about Linux.

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