Hi,<br><br>Dale (Luke) Peterson will be giving a talk on PyDy, an open source software package for multi-body dynamics, tomorrow in<b> Bainer 1062 @ 4:10pm</b>. <br clear="all"><br> <a href="http://www.pydy.org">PyDy</a> is an open source software tool written in <a href="http://www.python.org">Python</a> for the purpose of studying the<br>
classical mechanics. Its is an ongoing project, but the initial development was funded through<br>a <a href="http://code.google.com/soc/">Google Summer of Code 2009</a> project. In this talk, I will discuss the motivations for PyDy,<br>
how it got its start, it’s current capabilities, and what the future plans are.<br> PyDy enables symbolic formulation of the equations of motion of mechanical systems. It<br>it implements Kane’s method for deriving the equations of motion, and uses the symbolic ma-<br>
nipulator <a href="http://code.google.com/p/sympy/">Sympy</a> as the core for all symbolic operations. Some of the useful features of PyDy<br>include output of symbolically derived expressions in LaTeX form, generation of functions li-<br>
brary (EOMS, reaction forces, energy, constraint equations, etc.) for a system, and convenient<br>functions for producing 3D animations. All operations are done within the Python environment,<br>which allows for a Matlab-like interactive workspace for manipulating the equations, numerical<br>
integration, plotting, and OpenGL rendered 3D animations.<br> The central feature of PyDy is to automate the tedious booking of transformations that are<br>necessary for the kinematic and dynamic description of multi-body systems. Expressing vectors<br>
in any coordinate system is trivial with PyDy, as well the determination of angular velocity of a<br>frame or velocity of a point with respect to any other frame. Differentiation of vector quantities<br>in rotating reference frames is also handled automatically.<br>
The use of PyDy will be demonstrated on two simple systems: the double pendulum, and<br>the rolling torus. It is our goal that PyDy be a viable teaching tool for statics and dynamics at<br>the undergraduate and graduate level, as well for performing interesting research on multi-body<br>
dynamical systems.<br> For those interested, you can find installation instructions, browse the source, and see ex-<br>amples here:<br> <a href="http://github.com/hazelnusse/pydy">http://github.com/hazelnusse/pydy</a><br>
<br>-- <br><a href="http://mae.ucdavis.edu/~biosport/jkm/">http://mae.ucdavis.edu/~biosport/jkm/</a><br>Sports Biomechanics Lab, UC Davis (<a href="http://biosport.ucdavis.edu">http://biosport.ucdavis.edu</a>)<br>Davis Bike Collective Minister, Davis, CA (<a href="http://www.davisbikecollective.org">http://www.davisbikecollective.org</a>)<br>
BikeDavis.info (<a href="http://www.bikedavis.info">http://www.bikedavis.info</a>)<br>Office: +01 530-752-2163<br>Home: +01 530-753-0794<br>