Hi everyone,<br><br>The California Department of Education (my current employer) has begun planning for a 2010 web site makeover (<a href="http://www.cde.ca.gov">http://www.cde.ca.gov</a>). Please respond by next Sunday, May 10. I will compile the suggestions and send them along internally.<br>
<br>All suggestions welcome! :) While moving them to purely open-source or free software alternatives may not be possible, I would like to be "at the table" with suggestions for their consideration.<br><br>Thanks in advance for any help.<br>
<br><b>Hard Constraints</b><br><ul><li>Section 508 compliance (for example, <a href="http://www.section508.gov/">http://www.section508.gov/</a>)<br><br></li><li>Expectation to last ~five years<br></li></ul><b>Current Architecture (Perhaps Open to Changing?)</b><b></b><ul>
<li>Currently use Macromedia Contribute (<a href="http://www.adobe.com/products/contribute/">http://www.adobe.com/products/contribute/</a>) to allow divisions to handle their own web content<br><br></li><li>ASP<br><br></li>
<li>Windows IIS<br></li></ul><br><br>