[vox] So how do we make Gmail happy & get people back on these lists? :(

Timothy D Thatcher daniel.thatcher at gmail.com
Sat Mar 9 18:43:20 PST 2024

Great question! I try to make sure that it's still running, but that's
about all I've done in quite some time myself. I do what I can, but that's
not a whole lot--like Bill K, I've been outside the Davis area for several
years now. There's been quite a shortage of volunteers otherwise for a long
while now.

I did add spf/dkim/dmarc records a few years ago to try and help some of
the list issues, though it didn't seem to have much of an effect. Today I
did spin up a new tiny VPS on my own dime to at least take a look at what
migration possibilities there might be, but any progress is going to be on
a "time available" basis, especially if nobody else wants to get involved!

I'm extremely open to ideas and options, happy to talk more with anyone
interested. Can talk here on the list, direct email, or catch me on the
discord server for live chat.


On Sat, Mar 9, 2024 at 6:31 PM Rod Roark <rod at sunsetsystems.com> wrote:

> Who's doing server maintenance? My offer of help for setting up a SMTP
> relay is still good.
> Rod
> On 3/10/24 07:07, Bill Kendrick wrote:
> > I just received about 3 dozen "unsubscribe" notifications
> > from Mailman...
> >
> > @gmail.com has been removed from vox-tech.
> >
> > What needs to be done to make Gmail happy and stop unsubscribing
> > people like this? It's been going on for... years?... just little
> > bursts of people being dropped from the list now and then.
> >
> > Being 2 states north, I don't have a lot of skin in the game here
> > at LUGOD, but I do feel it's a shame for people to be forcefully
> > disconnected from their social club; it doesn't help them, and it
> > doesn't help the dwindling number of remaining members. >:^/
> >
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