[vox] IRC drama!

Timothy D Thatcher daniel.thatcher at gmail.com
Fri May 28 16:28:07 PDT 2021

Indeed. So far reports have been that it's pretty stable, and we have
already established a bit of a beachhead there in #lugod in anticipation of
a formal move (which means me re-writing the IRC documentation on lugod.org,

I was fairly ambivalent about the drama due to a general disinclination to
get sucked into staff drama, but after the
anyone-with-libera-in-the-chan-topic-gets-taken-over "mistake"-- including
channels for some *very* notable projects, and the real mass migrations
that it caused -- I'm more inclined to pack us up as well and move us on to
someplace a little more.. sane. Libera seems to be where the whole FOSS
crowd is pretty much shifting, so I lean that way for the sake of
everyone's convenience more than anything. But I did want to poll anyone
listening to see if there were strong feelings one way of the other.

for a bit of a hyperbolic headline and a summary of the situation for
anyone who missed it.)


On Fri, May 28, 2021 at 10:55 PM Marianne Waage <yamara at plush.org> wrote:

> The #boardgame channel has moved to irc.libera.chat, and it's been stable
> with no lag.
> There were some channels hijacked after being moved to elsewhere, so it
> mighty make sense to leave a tiny presence, a person who points people the
> right way, rather than leaving it and having a topic for people to follow.
> https://www.gentoo.org/news/2021/05/26/gentoo-freenode-channels-hijacked.html
> There's another report by something like vhtop or something that says
> which user is being used by the prince. It might show with some Google-fu.
> I was inclined to be lazy about migrating, but the hostile nature of the
> channel takeovers encourages me towards abandoning freenode more quickly.
> That is not the behavior of someone I trust to manage anything.
> Marianne
> On May 28, 2021 3:23:07 PM PDT, Timothy D Thatcher <
> daniel.thatcher at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hello LUGOD folks,
>> We've been IRC-only for some while now. That may change soon, we'll talk
>> about that.
>> But in the meanwhile...Any IRC users are probably by now aware of the
>> dumb drama around the Freenode IRC network.
>> As a result of all that, we're thinking of shifting our chat over to to
>> either Libera.chat, or possibly oftc.net instead.
>> Libera has the bonus of having a suddenly large userbase, with many FOSS
>> projects from Freenode moving their channels over there, including some
>> notable ones like #ubuntu, #gentoo, etc.
>> On the other hand, OFTC has been around for much longer. But the flipside
>> is that it does have a much smaller userbase.
>> I'm slightly inclined to go with the crowd and point our IRC material
>> over to Libera.
>> Maybe it's too soon to be jumping ship at all and we should stay put.
>> Anyone have any thoughts?
>> Tim
> --
> Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.
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