[vox] IRC drama!

Timothy D Thatcher daniel.thatcher at gmail.com
Fri May 28 15:23:07 PDT 2021

Hello LUGOD folks,

We've been IRC-only for some while now. That may change soon, we'll talk
about that.

But in the meanwhile...Any IRC users are probably by now aware of the dumb
drama around the Freenode IRC network.

As a result of all that, we're thinking of shifting our chat over to to
either Libera.chat, or possibly oftc.net instead.

Libera has the bonus of having a suddenly large userbase, with many FOSS
projects from Freenode moving their channels over there, including some
notable ones like #ubuntu, #gentoo, etc.

On the other hand, OFTC has been around for much longer. But the flipside
is that it does have a much smaller userbase.

I'm slightly inclined to go with the crowd and point our IRC material over
to Libera.

Maybe it's too soon to be jumping ship at all and we should stay put.

Anyone have any thoughts?

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