[vox] Computing History podcast (by a LUGOD member!)

Bill Kendrick nbs at sonic.net
Mon Jul 6 10:13:00 PDT 2020

Chris McKenzie, a long-time and active LUGOD member from the early
2000s (now located down in LA, I believe), has recently started
the "Computing History Podcast", which looks to begin at the
beginning -- starting with early attempts at electric communications
in the 1700s -- and will end in 1937, "when the first digital computer,
the Atanasoff-Berry computer was created".

You can learn more, and subscribe to the podcast's RSS feed (and
following the podcast on Twitter & Facebook, donate via Patreon, and
even peek on things in his GitHub repository, via the podcast's main


I haven't listened yet, but I'll be checking the intro "episode 0" out
over breakfast in a moment!


Sent from my computer

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