[vox] REMINDER: Officer Elections, November 20th. Nominations open!

Timothy D Thatcher daniel.thatcher at gmail.com
Fri Nov 3 15:44:07 PDT 2017

LUGOD Members:

A reminder that officer election season is upon us, as announced at
the October meeting. Nominations for ALL officer positions are
currently open!

If you're interested in nominating yourself or someone else for the
position of President (root), Vice-President (sys), Secretary
(typescript), or Treasurer (/dev/null), please email
typescript at lugod.org with your choice(s). Elections will be held at
the November 20th general meeting at the Davis Public Library.

To learn more about the officer positions or the election process,
visit http://www.lugod.org/objectives/bylaws.html or contact a current
officer at http://www.lugod.org/members/officers/ with any questions.

While we're on the topic: being an officer isn't the only way to help
keep LUGOD running smoothly. If you'd like to volunteer some of your
time in other ways, such as speaking at a meeting, providing drinks or
snacks, helping us revamp the website, participating in an installfest
or a help forum, or you'd just like to share your ideas, reach out to
me (Tim, current root officer) or any other club officer at any time
via email, by IRC, stop by the social, or talk to us after a general

Thank you for your participation in another year of LUGOD!


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