[vox] [fwd] DataRescue UC Davis: Thursday 2/2 10am-4pm

Bill Kendrick nbs at sonic.net
Fri Jan 27 16:50:08 PST 2017

Michele Tobias asked me to share this with LUGOD:

----- Forwarded message from Michele M Tobias -----

DataRescue UC Davis - Call to Action

Join us for #DataRescueDavis, where we will work together to backup
climate and environmental research and data currently available
through federal websites that are at risk of disappearing under the
current federal administration.

Date/Time: Thursday, February 2nd, 10 AM to 4 PM (come when you can)
Location: Shields Library, room 360 (the DSI classroom, 3rd floor)
Up-to-date information: http://guides.lib.ucdavis.edu/aiap_events
Bring: laptops
Who should attend: Anyone interested in ensuring that scientific data
are not lost because of political change.

-Free food, coffee, etc. provided throughout the day-

-Experience not required; training provided during the first hour-


1) Seeding the End of Term web crawler with priority URLs (training

2) Hackathon: Scraping and downloading vulnerable datasets (should
know a scripting language, such as R or Python, or be able to detect
patterns in HTML. Overview of scraping techniques provided during
first hour.)

Contact: datarescuedavis at gmail.com

Hosted by the UC Davis Library and the Data Science Initiative in
collaboration with #DataRefuge, the EDGI, the Internet Archive's End
of Term 2016 project to archive the federal webpages and data that are
in danger of disappearing during the current federal
administration. Our event focuses on preserving information and data
at high risk of being removed from online public access or even

Michele Tobias, PhD
GIS Data Curator
Data Management Program
UC Davis Library

----- End forwarded message -----


Sent from my computer

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