[vox] 08/21 Meeting Volunteers Wanted

Timothy D Thatcher daniel.thatcher at gmail.com
Fri Aug 4 23:15:49 PDT 2017

Hey everyone,

LUGOD's next formal presentation is August 21st, which just happens to be
the date of a major solar eclipse. To celebrate the solar event, multiple
speakers will be demonstrating some popular free and open-source astronomy
software that anybody can use for Linux, Mac, and Windows.

We already have a few people lined up to speak, but I'm looking for
additional volunteers who are willing to spend about 10 minutes
demonstrating a piece of software such as KStars, Skychart, or Virtual Moon
Atlas. Or, you can propose to show off a different piece of software that
you think fits the bill.

A formal announcement of the upcoming meeting will be released shortly so
if you are interested in volunteering and would like more details, send me
an email soon, or look for me on the LUGOD IRC channel on freenode (
http://www.lugod.org/irc/ for instructions. )


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