[vox] [fwd] ACCU: SPECIAL - Tuesday, January 12 - Bjarne Stroustrup, "No Littering!" [Mtn View]

Bill Kendrick nbs at sonic.net
Fri Jan 8 12:27:50 PST 2016

----- Forwarded message from Ali Cehreli <acehreli at gmail.com> -----

Date: Fri, 8 Jan 2016 11:20:55 -0800
From: Ali Cehreli <acehreli at gmail.com>
Subject: ACCU: SPECIAL - Tuesday, January 12 - Bjarne Stroustrup, "No Littering!"
To: Ali Cehreli <acehreli at yahoo.com>
Reply-To: acehreli at yahoo.com

NOTE 1: Tuesday.

NOTE 2: Different address (or building), across the street from the regular

NOTE 3: Space is limited. RSVP at the Meetup link and please update your
RSVP status if you cannot actually make it.

When:      Tuesday, January 12, 2016
Topic:     No Littering!
Speaker:   Bjarne Stroustrup
Time:      6:30pm doors open
           7:00pm meeting begins
Where:     Symantec
           Building B
           690 E. Middlefield Rd
           Mountain View, CA
Cost:      Free
More Info: <

In this special meeting, Bjarne Stroustrup, the creator of C++, will be
speaking on eliminating dangling pointers and techniques for better (and
safer) resource management.

Our agenda allows for ample Q&A, so don't miss this opportunity to ask
questions of C++'s creator and original implementor.

Note: We'll be meeting in Building B at Synopsys, on the same campus as our
regular "informal" meetings, but in the next building over.

---- Upcoming ACCU meetings -----

Wednesday, January 13, 2016
Sumant Tambe, "Playing with C++ Coroutines"

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

The ACCU meets twice monthly. Meetings are always open to the public and
are free of charge. To suggest topics and speakers please email Ali Cehreli
via acehreli at yahoo.com

----- End forwarded message -----

Sent from my computer

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