[vox] LUGs as bazaar?: TiVo Series2 FS

Rick Moen rick at linuxmafia.com
Mon Aug 1 18:13:45 PDT 2016

Quoting T. Mark (techmark at tutanota.de):

> Searching around, I find that this thing is pretty versatile.  While
> dated, it could nonetheless provide a youngster/newbie with
> interesting projects to pursue..I found this TiVo Hacks book online &
> wish I had time to
> try:https://www.safaribooksonline.com/library/view/tivo-hacks/0596005539/ch04s14.html
> TiVo Series 2 DVRmodel TCD540040 Seen at $120 on Amazon.
> https://www.amazon.com/TiVo-TCD540040-Series2-40-Hour-Recorder/dp/B00029ZE2S
> $60?  Need the money to make rent.    -- Mark

It should be noted that the Series 2 (which I love and have one of) is
pre-digital TV and pre-HDTV.  Pre-HDTV is not a big concern, but since
all the airwaves have gone digital, you'd also need an outboard
converter box and go to quite a bit of trouble to get the TiVo to work
with it.

The Series 2 was the last TiVo to have the ability to burn content to
DVD-R, which was really nice, but Our Lords in Hollywood didn't like
that, and have pressured companies like TiVo, Inc. to omit it _and_ enforce
truly nasty Digital Restrictions Management in all HDTV-capable units.

(I am not continuing your crosspost across multiple LUG mailing lists,
because in my experience that is a bad idea.)

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